Venue Information

Venue Information

Business Services

The MCEC Customer Service desk is located in the central foyer near the Goldfields Café, and can assist with business services to exhibitors including faxing, photocopying, and receiving venue orders.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

All Emergency services need to be coordinated through the Event security to ensure that the emergency vehicles are given the correct information. All security staff are qualified in First Aid procedures. For any first aid requirements please visit security on the show floor or go to the Organiser’s office where security can be contacted.

The MCEC has two alarms, which can be heard throughout the building if a fire alarm is activated or there is a pending emergency.

  1. The first alarm is the ALERT ALARM which is a BEEP-BEEP-BEEP sound (similar to a truck reversing). On hearing this alarm, all trained wardens will attend the Wardens Phones and await instruction from the Senior Warden.ALL OTHER STAFF MEMBERS AND OCCUPANTS WILL CONTINUE ON WITH THEIR NORMAL DUTIES.
  2. The second alarm is the EVACUATION ALARM which is a WHOOP-WHOOP-WHOOP sound (similar to an air raid siren). This is the signal for the wardens to evacuate the area via the fire stairs. LIFTS ARE NOT TO BE USED. You will then be guided to move quietly and calmly to the Assembly Areas.

Assembly areas for the Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre are located at:

Melbourne Exhibition Centre (MEC)

  • Primary Evacuation Assembly Point: Grassed area beside Orrs Dock in front of MEC, opposite Yarra doors 1&2
  • Secondary Evacuation Assembly Point: Tea House Building
  • Tertiary Evacuation Assembly Point: Under the freeway between the South Wharf car park and Normanby

Melbourne Convention Centre (MCC)

  • Primary Evacuation Assembly Point: Under the freeway between the South Wharf car park and Normanby Road
  • Secondary Evacuation Assembly Point: Grassed area beside Orrs Dock in front of MEC, opposite Yarra doors 1&2
  • Tertiary Evacuation Assembly Point: Flinders Wharf Park –northern side of the Yarra River over Seafarers Bridge

Download the Evacuation Assembly Points Map

Fire Regulations

Any materials used for construction of your stand or display must conform to the following minimum standards:

  • Non-combustible and inherently non-flammable material
  • Durable, flame-proof fabric
  • Self-extinguishing plastic
  • Plywood, hardwood or fibre-board rendered flame-resistant by a process of impregnation acceptable to the Authorities

The storage of any flammable liquids or fuel within the Exhibition is not permitted.

Fire extinguishers and/or fire fighting equipment must at all times be visible and accessible, and must not be removed from its correct location.

Motor vehicles or other mechanical appliances displayed within the exhibition venue must contain a full tank of fuel, their batteries must be disconnected and a drip tray placed under the sump. A spare set of keys must be handed to the organiser and they will be returned at the conclusion of the show. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide a fire extinguisher with any vehicle in the hall and it must be visible on the stand at all times during show open hours.

Should construction of stands or exhibits create a potential smoke-locked area or create an area not serviceable by the existing sprinkler systems, the management of the exhibition venue, under advice from the Insurance Council of Australia, may require the smoke detection, emergency lighting, and exit lighting systems to be extended to cover the stand or exhibit areas.

Please contact the Operations Manager if you intend on bringing a vehicle, utilising a naked flame, doing hot work, cooking, or utilising LPG Gas for more information about requirements.

Venue Induction Requirements

Any person constructing a stand on site, including exhibitors constructing their own stand, are required to complete a venue induction. Prior to completing the induction you will will need to register your company in their contractor management system. To register your company please contact [email protected] and provide the following details:

  • Company name
  • ABN (Australian Business Number)
  • Company representative
  • Representative email address
  • Representative contact number


Raised flooring can help to differentiate your stand and hide cables. However it presents safety issues and you must ensure that your stand-builder complies with the Building Code of Australia.

Raised Floors under 115 mm in Height

  • All raised floors with a height of less than 115 mm must have a clearly distinguishable ramped edge installed
  • Ramped edging with a gradient no less than 1:3 is acceptable to prevent a trip hazard on standard 32 mm high raised floors; however please note that a 1:3 ramped edge does not constitute a disabled access ramp (see Disabled Access below)
  • For raised floors above 32 mm and below 115 mm it is recommended that the gradient of the ramped edging is decreased to 1:8

Raised Floors over 115 mm in Height

  • All raised floors with a height greater than 115 mm, but less than 190mm are considered a step and therefore do not require ramped edging
  • Where the flooring height exceeds 190 mm, a series of steps should be constructed as per NCC requirements.
  • When a step is installed, an approved stair-nosing must also be installed, as per NCC requirements for steps in public places
  • Where two (2) or more steps (risers) are provided, a handrail is to be provided to at least one side of the steps, as per NCC.

Floor Load Weight Limits

When moving and positioning heavy items within the venue, it is important to consider the floor loading of the area and the path available to that area. The Exhibition Centre halls have a floor loading capacity of 20kpa (2000kg/sqm).

Factors to be considered by any person working in any area of the venue include:

  • Weight of the item
  • Dimensions of the item
  • How it will be transported within the Centre
  • Weight of any handling device (e.g. forklift)

If unsure about floor loading capacity for the intended use, please consult the Operations Manager before the show.

Height Restrictions

Stands must not exceed 2.5m in height without permission of the Organisers. Where permission is given for perimeter walls above this height, then the wall must be solid and dressed on both sides to the satisfaction of adjoining exhibitors.

All space only exhibitors should contact the Operations Manager if you have any queries.

Helium Balloons

Helium balloons are only permitted as fixed features of a stand or exhibit. Exhibitors must obtain written approval from the venue for the use of helium. The exhibitor will be charged for the removal of any balloons remaining in the halls and for any Fire Brigade call-out costs associated with false alarm calls that are caused by balloons or other exhibition related items tripping the smoke alarm beams.

Please contact the Operations Manager prior to the show if you plan to use helium balloons as part of your display.

Noise Restrictions

The maximum permissible total sound level in any area of the show is 82dB (slow), measurable at a distance of three (3)metres from the source of the sound using a directional decibel meter.

Exhibitors showing films or creating excessive noise or using audio visual aids which disturb adjacent exhibitors may be asked to cease such activities in the interest of the overall exhibition. Excessive noise as deemed by the Organisers to cause a disturbance is not permitted. The Organiser shall be regarded as the sole arbiter in the case of dispute and the Exhibitors shall follow the directions of the Organiser in order to resolve any such dispute.

Vehicles on Display

An exhibitor who is planning to include a vehicle on their stand must notify the Operations Manager their intentions no later than 28 days prior to commencement of the exhibition. Exhibitors will then be given a specific arrival and departure time to move the vehicle on and off the stand.

The Organisers requires details of the delivery together with details of the dimensions and weight of the vehicle. Upon arrival a set of keys must be supplied to the Organisers Office for the duration of the event.

The following conditions apply for flammable liquid powered motor vehicles:

  • The fuel tank must contain more than 90% of the fuel capacity
  • The fuel filler cap must be either sealed or secured to prevent the easy removal of the fuel cap by unauthorised persons
  • Drip trays are required
  • 1 X 2.3 kg A:B(E) dry powder fire extinguisher mounted in a prominent location in accordance with AS2444:2001 Portable Fire Extinguishers.

Please refer to the MCEC website for information regarding the use of of LPG powered motor vehicles.